For any enquiries about dogs please contact Geraldine on 01886 822083
Email address:

You can complete our application form online by clicking the button below:

Upon completion, just hit "submit" and your form will be sent straight over to our team.

Click on an image for more information on each of our dogs:


From time to time we have dogs that for one reason or another cannot be fully adopted out. For those dogs, we have what is called 'long term fostering'. This means that the fosterer will be responsible for the day-to-day care of the dog (i.e feeding, exercising, taking the dog to the vet's if necessary and general love, care and protection). We will pay all vet fees and be available to give advice if needed. If you are interested in fostering one of our dogs please see the contact details above.


We are always looking for short-term foster homes for some dogs in our care who need to be in a home environment, rather than kennels, while waiting for their forever homes.

Please contact us by the details above if you feel you may be able to help.