We realise how hard it is for people to make ends meet in the current cost of living crisis, so it is understandable why the situation is having a huge impact on the financial stability of many charities, and the RSPCA Worcester & Mid-Worcestershire Branch here at The Holdings is no exception.

Not only are we feeling the effects of diminishing donations, we also have increased costs to bear across the whole spectrum of administration and operation of our animal rescue and rehoming centre, which is unfortunately experiencing unprecedented numbers of distressingly sad cases of animal abuse and neglect.

While you may find it difficult at present to make a monetary donation to our cause, you might consider helping in other ways such as donating unwanted items to sell in our shops or to use as raffle or tombola prizes. This method of donation is crucial in providing daily funding.

As well as striving to maintain continuity of the day to day running of the centre, we constantly have to plan ahead to ensure a viable future exists. With the long-term in mind, we rely heavily upon the kindness of our supporters who remember us in their will. It is not an easy topic to broach but making a will is often regarded as one of the most important things you can do to ensure peace of mind for you and your family, and to make sure your wishes are carried out.

If you are in a position to remember us in your will, and make that ultimate donation, please ensure that you specify the name of our Branch and charity number; that is: RSPCA Worcester & Mid Worcestershire Branch, charity number 205930; otherwise we may not receive your bequest.

In whichever way you choose to support us, please be assured we are always grateful beyond measure.